Traditionally, cell and molecular biology research seeks to understand the function of a single gene, gene family, or signal transduction pathway, often through the disruption or modification of single genes. Researchers use signal-based methods such as microscopy, flow cytometry, and protein blotting and molecular assays such as PCR/qPCR, Sanger sequencing, and gene expression arrays. This approach is time-consuming and does not always result in conclusive findings.
Array and next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies from Illumina can broaden cell and molecular biology research beyond the conventional methods of protein-interaction and single-gene functional studies. Illumina technology enables analysis across the genome, transcriptome, and epigenome. Results can inform experimental design and subsequent studies, saving time and allowing researchers to publish sooner.
Single-cell sequencing can reveal the cell types present and how individual cells are contributing to the function of that system.
Researchers from UCSF discuss MULTI-Seq, a sample barcoding strategy for single-cell and single-nucleus RNA sequencing. The method involves minimal sample processing, thereby preserving cell viability and endogenous gene expression patterns.
View WebinarMethods that allow researchers to sequence and detect extracellular proteins in individual cells simultaneously reveal new cell types and states associated with disease.
Read MoreLearn best practices for preparing cell suspensions with sample preparation solutions from Miltenyi Biotec.
View WebinarCompare the benefits of NGS technology to quantitative PCR and find out which one to choose.
See how NGS opens new avenues to exploring and understanding the cellular activity of disease.
Single-cell sequencing proves invaluable in detecting intracellular communication in tumors.
Read InterviewBy analyzing one cell at a time, Professor Amit is improving our understanding of biological systems in health and disease.
Read ArticleThe Breast Cancer Atlas Project is sequencing more than a million breast cancer cells with the NovaSeq 6000 System.
Read Case StudyA computer scientist is expanding the reach of scRNA-Seq data through new open source technologies.
Read InterviewUnderstanding host genetic differences and individual responses to the SARS-CoV-2 virus increases understanding of disease susceptibiliity and severity. Read more about the methods for host risk & immune response studies.
Learn MoreIllumina technologies enable molecular and cellular biology researchers to explore transcription, regulation, epigenetics, and more.
Explore the distinct biology of individual cells within a complex tissue, or investigate the molecular mechanisms behind subpopulation responses to environmental cues.
Learn MoreFocus on sequencing targeted genomic regions of interest, or simultaneously sequence large numbers of genes associated with a disease or phenotype.
Learn MoreQuantitatively investigate methylation patterns using sequencing- and array-based techniques, and gain valuable insight into gene regulation.
Learn MoreExplore genetic variants such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and large structural changes in DNA using genome-wide or targeted approaches.
Learn MoreFind out how NGS enables researchers to confirm CRISPR gene knockouts, analyze off-target effects, assess the the functional impact of edits, and more.
Learn MoreUse ATAC-Seq to assess chromatin accessibility in single cells and uncover how chromatin packaging and other factors affect gene expression.
Learn MoreNextSeq 1000 and 2000 Single-Cell RNA Sequencing System: The NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Systems support emerging and mid-throughput sequencing applications as well as a broad range of methods such as exome sequencing, target enrichment, sincle-cell profiling, transcriptome sequencing and more.
App Note: NextSeq 1000 and 2000 Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Solution: This cost-effective, flexible workflow measures gene expression in single cells and offers high-resolution analysis to discover cellular differences usually masked by bulk sampling methods. This app note outlines the workflow, provides example study designs and throughput charts, and more.
AmpliSeq for Illumina Targeted Resequencing Solution: A streamlined, scalable amplicon sequencing solution, producing high-confidence data from low-input DNA and RNA samples.
Infinium Global Screening Array: A next-generation genotyping array for population-scale genetics, variant screening, pharmacogenomics studies, and precision medicine research.
MethylationEPIC BeadChip: Robust methylation profiling microarray with extensive coverage of CpG islands, genes, and enhancers. Use for epigenome-wide association studies.
Dr Lachlan Jolly discusses insights into gene function in cell models of brain development.
Illumina bioinformatics tools can help researchers manage, analyze, and interpret genomic data.
This review highlights recent publications that used Illumina technology for single-cell sequencing.
Learn about Illumina solutions for next-generation RNA sequencing applications.
The ability to analyze gene expression signatures from individual cells is transforming the way neurons are classified.